Wednesday, January 12, 2011

2011 Already?!?


I can't believe another year is already here. 2010 was such a great year… Here are a few of the highlights!

Spending the year getting to know our little guy. I think that was the biggest highlight of all.

Ryan started his new job at Sallie Mae and a few months later received a promotion.

We unpacked our belongings and made our house a home.

We purchased a new truck so that we can tow the boat we plan to eventually purchase (and let's face it… so we can get up our huge hill in the middle of the winter)

Ryan bought himself a little scooter

I spent most of the year studying textbooks and playing with Cayson

We were able to get down south and visit Granny and our cousins.

Now that we have said goodbye to last year and have begun 2011 we admit we face it with a bit of apprehension… Ryan started the year out by falling down the stairs in efforts to catch Cayson from falling down them himself. You would think that was no big deal but he seriously has spent the month recuperating… now anytime something bad happens he just says well that's to be expected after all it's 2011. Hopefully the year really will turn into a great one.

We can't start the year out without big plans and dreams, right? Our plans include taking a fun trip… somewhere…anywhere… just as long as we get out of here. Ryan has scored $500.00 delta dollars so that should be a great head start on our funding and allow us to go somewhere really sweet!

We also are hoping to get our house ready to sell and hopefully sell it. This area has not been all we have hoped it would be and are rather disappointed. I was hoping that we would stay here for a really long time because I love the house but so far that is not the case. Perhaps this will change at the end of the year but for now that is our plan.

In other news Cayson has become quite our jibber jabber…

He is able to say quite a few words including toys, book, animal sounds, pooh (as in Winnie the Pooh), ball, shoes, and I'm sure more that I can't think of right now.

Cayson spent the past month sick and teething… which made for some fabulous nights and our poor little guy in a lot of pain. He broke through three teeth this week alone…

Other than that he is just our little guy that loves a lot of attention and to play hard. He is getting more and more fun all of the time.

Ryan has spent the month traveling… or at least the past couple weeks. I'm certainly grateful for his job so I can't complain but we sure do miss him when he is away.

I have started yet another semester. This time I am taking Psychometrics ( I have no clue what that word means and have yet to figure out what this class is all about. Is it a math class? Is it a class that teaches you all the psychological tests out there? I'm not sure. Needless to say I am a bit nervous), Social skills… which appears to be an interesting class about helping kids learn necessary social skills, and abnormal psych. So far this semester seems so much less stressful than last so I am hoping it stays that way.

And there you have our first month of 2011… nothing exciting but not bad.


Here are a couple of random pics… just for the heck of it…

Cayson loves to read books… oftentimes when he is fussy he will go get himself a book and read through it (he even jabbers as he looks through it) and it calms him right down.


I thought this was a funny picture.


1 comment:

Samantha said...

No! I'll be so sad if you move! But you have to go where you feel good about being. House decisions are so hard. I for one, will totally miss you guys if you move, though. :)