Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just Another Day…

The best thing my Sister in Law, Robyn, ever did for us was introduce us to Babywise! Since the beginning of time… well since the beginning of our time with Cayson we have done babywise with him… sort of. I was never one that could let him cry it out and I was never one that could get out of bed and wake him up in the morning so that he would be on the same time schedule everyday, but we did try and stick with the general idea. I didn't know at the time what a payoff it would be. I just thought I would be a mother that got to sleep through the night. I did get my sleep (in fact a couple of nights ago Cayson was sick and woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep. He hadn't done that since the night we brought him home from the hospital. I admit I had no clue what to do. I felt a bit sheepish in fact. I eventually went in and rocked him and he fell fast asleep in my arms. I loved every minute of it!) but I have also gotten a whole lot more.

I have since tried to implement Babywise II and Toddlerwise. It has led to a pretty structured day and in turn a very good, happy, friendly baby (when he is not sick or teething that is- he now has 11 teeth).


Our mornings start with a bath and food time.

Cayson is quite the eater… he devours this huge bowl of oatmeal and then cries when I eat my breakfast and he isn't getting any.


After breakfast it's time for what we call "blanket time". Cayson spends fifteen minutes on the blanket playing with his toys. Some days are better than others.The idea is that he learns to stay on the blanket and play until the timer beeps which in turn is supposed to teach him boundaries. Surprisingly it works. For example at Christmas time he left the tree and presents alone. Also, when we tell him not to touch something either at home or when we are out he is good not to touch it. When we are at other people's homes most of the time he is respectful of their stuff and leaves things alone that he knows he shouldn't added bonus is that he is learning how to pick up his toys when he is done.

After blanket time Cayson will spend time in his room playing by himself. This is supposed to teach him independence. We are still working on this one but I think he is beginning to enjoy his time playing.


After play time is his naptime. I take this time to study and work out. It's so nice to have "me time". I'm not sure what I will do when he drops the naps.


When he wakes up we eat and then he and I play with toys and read books. This is my favorite part of the day. I love to see Cayson learn and I love to see how much he loves books. I think he would enjoy it if we sat and read books all day long. Sometimes he will even take the book and read to me.

Lately Cayson has been obsessed with this wipes container and putting things in it. We sat with his puzzle for probably close to an hour taking the pieces in and out of the container.


Afterwards it's time for Cayson to take his afternoon nap and for me to work on homework, clean, and make dinner.

And that's our day!

As you can see there is nothing spectacular about my days or my life… but I sure do love it!


I loved this picture… ironically enough; Cayson is good at reminding us that we need to say prayers before we eat.

In other news, does anyone recognize these? Yes, Ryan felt deprived when he didn't get a pair of these growing up… not anymore!

And still in other news ryan and I have booked our vacation… We are going to be hopping on a plane and going here in May!

I can't wait… and what makes it better is all of our travel and stay including car rental will only cost us $50.00!

Y'all know how deals make my heart swell with joy!


The Jones Family said...

I love the pic of Cayson praying! Too cute! What a structured day! It sounds like Cayson is learning so much!

Samantha said...

We're doing Disney in May, too (but just in Cali)! It's the best time to go!