Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our Little Guy- Nine Months

I figured it was time to do some updates on our Little Guy. I can't believe how big he is and how fast he is learning things. For example the other day he dropped his toy and scratched it. I picked it up and showed him that it was scratched and explained to him that that is why we need to be careful with our toys. He watched me try to scrape off the damage and then he proceeded to do the same thing. It was then that I realized I had better be careful because he is watching my every move.

We took Cayson for his 9 month check up this week. We learned that he has dropped to the 5th percentile in weight. This is beginning to affect his height and his head size. As a mother, this made me feel horrible. I'm not sure how to keep weight on him though considering he never stops, not even long enough to get full. (Unless he is eating cantaloupe or watermelon, which is an entirely different story.)

Cayson has learned to sign a few words such as Please, Thank You, and all done. I love it! It's amazing to me that such a little person can understand all that they do.

Our little guy has started giving kisses and squeezes!

Cayson loves books. Even when he is playing alone he will flip through the pages all by himself. He has an Elmo book that sings the song "Take Me Out to the Ball Game". That is definitely his favorite book. He loves to make it play and then sing along with it.

Cayson has begun trying to say words. He has "ma" and "da" down. When he is eating he will say something that sounds like mom but really it is yum. When he wants something he will say "ba". When he wants water or some milk he will say "wa"

We just opened up this toy for Cayson. He loves sitting on it and scooting. I think it makes him feel like such a big boy!

You can kind of tell in this picture, Cayson already has 6 teeth!


Cayson loves holding our hands and walking. He is a quick little devil!

This was a cute little swing we saw at a store.

For the most part he is such a sweet boy, just happy to be living. He doesn't stop, EVER. He loves scooting. I don't know that he will ever crawl. We have been trying to teach him how to get up on his knees but he cries and demands that we let him go. He is getting into everything, as all babies do. He is little mister independent.

I figured I would do some updates on Ryan and I while I am at it.

Our life is pretty busy and crazy at the moment. Ryan has been working extremely long hours at Sallie Mae. The past six months he has been single handedly managing all the deposits for the bank. Last month he was promoted to a manager and now is able to hire help. We feel so blessed! Along with all the hours he puts in at Sallie Mae he is also working part time for KSL TV and has applied to work the events at Energy Solutions Center. Needless to say we do not get to see him very often. Given the economy though, we will take it. We are lucky to have such a hard working dad and husband.

While Ryan is busy working I have been pretty busy myself. Along with taking care of an infant that never stops, I have gone back to school. I am working on my Bachelor's degree in Psychology. I only have 12 more classes to take! This semester I have 3 classes and a lab. The classes include Cognitive Psychology and Lab, Orientation to Psychology, and the dreaded Statistics. In between taking care of a kid, house, and school, I also work a couple of days a week. Add a calling in the Young Women's and that would be my life.

But amidst all the chaos we are certainly happy with our life and wouldn't have it any other way! We feel so lucky to be so happy and to be doing so well!